Dr. med. Martin Brunck & Dr. med. Simone Maack
Your doctors for functional and osteopathic medicine in Hanover , Germany
We take a different approach to treating acute and chronic health problems. Our excellent functional medicine concept is based on an innovative range of diagnostic and therapeutic options from modern conventional medicine and proven complementary medicine.
Advice, diagnostics and therapy are tailored to your individual needs.
Der Rücken wird wie alle Gelenke von Muskeln stabilisiert und geführt. Muskeln haben nicht nur Verbindungen zu den Knochen, sondern auch zu Zähnen und Organen.
Auch der Bauch und die Verdauung befinden sich in einem Wechselspiel mit dem Rücken.
Unterstützt von den manuellen Muskeltests suchen wir mit Hilfe moderner Untersuchungsmethoden wie der dreidimensionalen Wirbelsäulenvermessung und speziellen Laboruntersuchungen nach den Zusammenhängen.

Many back pains are not caused by the back.
Like all joints, the back is stabilized and guided by muscles. Muscles have connections not only to bones, but also to teeth and organs.
The stomach and digestion also interact with the back.
Supported by manual muscle tests, we look for connections using modern examination methods such as three-dimensional spinal measurement and special laboratory tests.
Körpererinnerungen Können eine Ursache immer wiederkehrender Beschwerden sein
Nicht nur das Gehirn, sondern auch der Körper selbst hat ein Erinnerungsvermögen. Jede Verletzung kann eine „Erinnerungsschleife“ im Körper hinterlassen, die die Grundlage für eine gestörte Selbstregulation bildet.
Instabilität mit verschiedensten Symptomen kann die Folge sein. In einem solchen Fall bleibt die lokale Therapie der Beschwerden nicht dauerhaft erfolgreich, wenn die Erinnerungsschleife nicht unterbrochen wird.
Seit über 20 Jahren beschäftigen wir uns intensiv mit diesem Thema. Mit der erweiterten Injury-Recall-Technique (eIRT) haben wir eine Methode entwickelt, die auf die Diagnose und Auflösung von Verletzungsmustern abzielt.
Mittlerweile haben wir im In- und Ausland mehr als 1000 Ärzte in der eIRT ausgebildet und halten regelmäßig Seminare in Europa ab.
Die eIRT bildet einen Schwerpunkt unserer Arbeit in der Praxis.

Body memories can be a cause of recurring complaints Not only the brain, but also the body itself has the ability to remember. Any injury can leave a “memory loop” in the body, which forms the basis for impaired self-regulation.
Instability with a wide variety of symptoms can result. In such a case, local therapy for the symptoms will not be lastingly successful if the memory loop is not interrupted.
We have been working intensively on this topic for over 20 years. With the extended injury recall technique (eIRT), we have developed a method that aims to diagnose and resolve injury patterns.
We have now trained more than 1,000 doctors in eIRT at home and abroad and regularly hold seminars in Europe. The eIRT is a focus of our work in practice.
Unser Immunsystem ist unsere innere Kraft und unsere Gesundheit.
Es wehrt Krankheitserreger wie Viren und Bakterien ab, beeinflusst unser hormonelles System und ist an der Steuerung unserer Organe beteiligt. Viele Menschen sind chronisch erschöpft und haben chronische Entzündungen im Körper.
Dies kann ein wesentlicher Faktor für Infektanfälligkeit, Burn-Out Syndrom, wiederkehrende Schmerzen und vorzeitige Zellalterung sein, um nur einige Beispiele zu nennen.
Wir bestimmen im Labor die Kennwerte der Energieproduktion, Entzündungsmarker und die Konzentrationen der wichtigen Vitamine und Mineralien. Die VNS-Analyse gibt uns Auskunft über die Funktion des Vagus-Nervs und den Grad der Erschöpfung.
Zur Therapie verwenden wir verschiedene Aminosäurelösungen, Entgiftungs- und Aufbauinfusionen, die wir individuell kombinieren.

Infusions - power from within
Our immune system is our inner strength and our health.
It fights off pathogens such as viruses and bacteria, influences our hormonal system and is involved in the control of our organs. Many people are exhausted and burdened with chronic and unnoticed inflammation.
This can be a significant factor in susceptibility to infections, mood swings, burnout syndrome, recurring pain and premature cell aging, to name just a few examples.
In the laboratory, we determine the parameters of energy production, inflammation markers and the concentrations of important vitamins and minerals. The ANS analysis gives us information about the function of the vagus nerve and the level of fatigue.
For therapy we use various amino acid solutions, detoxification and building infusions, which we combine individually.
Migraine is a headache syndrome that affects about 10% of the population. ( https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Migräne Page accessed on 05.06.22 ).
From an osteopathic point of view, muscular tension in the neck and throat muscles is often a major trigger for headache syndromes. These are often caused by poor posture, old accidents and also disorders of the jaw joint function.
The 3D spine measurement provides information about poor posture and clues about its possible causes.
During treatment, we can adjust the metabolism and treat the muscles with trigger point medicine , fascia matrix therapy and other methods.
Knees and elbows:
- Factors for joint pain can be:
- Type of load (e.g. repetitive movements such as tennis)
- Malfunctions of other joints in the functional chain (e.g. a flat foot can lead to incorrect loading of the knee joint)
- Increased susceptibility to inflammation (infections, rheumatism, metabolic disorders)
- Incorrect control of the muscles with incorrect tension at the joint
Of course, orthopedic diagnostics come first. Functional therapies include osteopathic treatments , fascia and trigger point medicine , acupuncture , metabolic treatments and sensorimotor insoles.
Body memories can be a cause of recurring complaints Not only the brain, but also the body itself has a memory.
Every injury can leave a "memory loop" in the body, which forms the basis for disturbed self-regulation.
Instability with a wide range of symptoms can be the result. In such a case, local treatment of the symptoms will not be successful in the long term if the memory loop is not interrupted.
FMD can be used to assess muscle control at rest and after movement provocation. We regularly use IRT in the treatment of so-called "injury patterns " .
Tinnitus (ringing in the ears) is a common phenomenon. There are numerous organic causes that can cause tinnitus. Therefore, an ENT examination is always required first.
From an osteopathic point of view, muscular tension in the neck and skull muscles as well as a jaw disorder can be a factor in the symptoms.
In addition to 3D spinal measurement as a diagnostic tool, we use trigger point and atlas therapy if a muscular cause is considered.
In the treatment of craniomandibular dysfunction (CMD) we work together with dentists and orthodontists.
An increased susceptibility to infections can be a symptom of various diseases. For this reason, an internal medical examination should always be carried out.
Increased stress can also lead to weakening. We differentiate between structural stress (injuries, poor posture, etc.) and biochemical stress (intolerances, previous infections, medication, etc.) and emotional stress.
Special laboratory tests can show the balance of the important factors of the immune system and show causes and treatment options.
Our therapeutic concepts take into account the vitamin and nutrient supply, the intestinal microbiome and mitochondrial function .
There are various types of sleep disorders, so a medical assessment is required first.
Emotional stress is not the only possible cause.
In functional medicine, the supply of micronutrients and amino acids plays an important role.
Physical memory patterns can also be a factor in "circular thoughts" that prevent you from falling asleep.
Exhaustion, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and burnout are common disorders that can have different causes.
First of all, a medical assessment should always be carried out. Functional medicine is not just about the question "how much stress do I have?", but also the question "... how much stress can my body endure?". When the immune system is under strain, there are creeping infections, oxidative stress and detoxification disorders, "cellular burnout" can occur.
Special laboratory tests can provide an overview of the function of the immune system and clues to the causes. A severe restriction of mitochondrial energy production is often found .
A better formulation would be "healthy aging".
The energy production of our cells decreases with age. Not only do the cells age, but the stimulation of the nervous system also decreases. However, the extent of these natural changes varies between people. The WHO estimates that by 2030, around 40% more people in the world will be living with dementia than today ( https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/europa/alzheimer-who-101.html - accessed 14.06.22). In order to age more healthily, other factors can be useful in addition to improving lifestyle habits:
- Improving the signal density from the body to the brain through targeted treatments.
- Supporting the body in the elimination of old cells (apoptosis). A supply of micronutrients and amino acids tailored to needs can play an important role in this.
- Targeted support of the body in energy production .
- Oxygen altitude training (IHHT) also helps the body to renew mitochondria and cells.
Our immune system is constantly busy keeping us healthy. This also creates so-called "free radicals". They help us to kill viruses and other pathogens. However, if free radicals are produced in excess, the body is no longer able to break them down quickly. This results in cell damage. You could also say: "The body rusts from the inside".
Sometimes the triggering cause has long since disappeared, but the immune system continues to produce the antibodies. The term "silent inflammation" describes this inflammatory state with and without pathogens present.
First of all, it is necessary to determine the presence of pathogens and the type of immune reaction.
Special laboratory tests can help with this and provide the basis for targeted therapy .